Thursday, February 25, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Intertwined (Tooth and Nail)

since we're talking about turning hate to love . . .

Monday, February 15, 2010

a valentine

did everyone read this article? it's good.


and in case anyone wants another image for inspiration, behold! bunny ears:

love, shira

Friday, February 12, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's all happening . . .

Hello Friends!

This is the beginning of what will hopefully be a long conversation through imagery.  Fools in Bloom is presently spreading its wings to include everyone we know who loves to make art and would like to engage in a little online creative game of "catch."  I, like a president in mom-jeans, will be throwing out the first pitch.  The image I'm posting below can be used in any way you like to make a new work of art.  Draw into it, paint over it, make a video of you rolling around with it . . . whatevs.  You can even just interpret its "theme" however you want and make something that relates to that theme.  Just so long as you post the result when you're done.  That's the fun part!  Besides, then someone else can take your work and have their way with it too.  Good luck and happy creating.

image by Isidro Vila Verde